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We seek to build long-term relationships with organisations dedicated to improving the quality of life for people within the communities in which we live. We have partnered with a number of organisations who share in our vision.

We work collaboratively with Cognithan Rehab Services, a CQC registered provider, who can provide support based on people’s individual needs.

Cognithan Rehab Services can support people with the following:

  • household tasks (such as laundry and cleaning)
  • personal care
  • taking medication
  • attending appointments
  • budgeting, managing finances and paying bills
  • dealing with correspondence (such as letters and emails)
  • maintaining relationships with friends, family and the community
  • social and leisure activities
  • lifestyle choices.

Stonebridge Community Living and Cognithan Ltd. work in partnership to help our tenants safeguard their tenancies by helping them to understand the rules and their responsibilities.

We pride ourselves on the service we provide to our clients and their associated family members. Find out more today!
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